REtracker Fizz II and REtracker Fizz II Pro Now Released

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Fizz II released at 1,500 Euro

Fizz II in a nutshell

  • REtracker FIZZ II is a high definition lens FIZ (focus, iris, and zoom) reader.

  • Fizz II connects directly to your lens using various protocols.

  • Fizz II extracts the focus, iris, and zoom data at ultra high resolution

  • It is compatible with various lenses from Canon, Fujinon, etc

  • It is also compatible with lens motors such as the Nucleus-M Tilta and the Nano 2

  • Fizz II feeds the high precision lens data into Unreal Engine using the native Free-D

    NB: Please drop us a message to enquire about the compatibility of your lens before purchase

NB: Residents of the UK are subject to VAT.
Please contact us for separate payment links

Fizz II Pro released at 1,850 Euro
  • Everything in Fizz II plus...

  • Compatibility with the Indiemark 3 encoder

  • Fizz includes the genlock add-on by default

  • Additional OSC protocol

  • Future Proof PCB (for extra compatibility with new lens brands)

Fizz II Pro extra features

REtracker Fizz II Pro with hardware genlock add-on is used to feed REtracker Bliss/Fizz the genlock signal.

This add-on hardware feature increases the compatibility of REtracker Bliss/Fizz with engines which cannot handle the UHFR 500fps of Bliss, such as: Ventuz, Zero Density, Pixotope, VizRT, Brainstorm3D, Etc

NB: Vanilla Unreal Engine using LivelinkBliss and Aximmetry or LiveFX do not need this extra feature.

What's included in the price:
- REtracker Fizz hardware box
- Nucleus-M Tilta cable
- Power adapter
- Lifetime license
- Free shipping worldwide by FedEx
(Delivery is in 2-6 weeks. Contact us for a faster delivery time.)

Extra cables for Canon, Fujinon, Nano 2 are not included in the price. You can purchase separately below:

Fizz II is compatible with all tracking systems.

Also released for a limited time:
REtracker Bliss + Fizz II bundle at 3,700 Euro

(You do not need to own a REtracker Bliss, yet we highly recommend it)

NB: Residents of the UK are subject to VAT. Please contact us for separate payment links

Tutorial Videos

Setting up the Nucleus-M Tilta Setting up REtracker FIZZ

Part 1/3

Creating an Unreal Engine 5 project from scratch to be ready for REtracker Fizz and REtracker Bliss

Part 2/3

Part 3/3

The road to perfection: This tutorial helps you integrate your lens data (Focus, Iris, Zoom) directly in Unreal Engine. There is no need for any extra software besides UE5. (90% of this tutorial is helpful for other lens encoding systems) At the moment this is the only fail-proof method that delivers the most pinpoint accurate results.

Extra Videos 1/2

Firmware Update Guide

Extra Videos 2/2

User Settings Guide

Nucleus Nano II

Connecting the Fizz with the latest Nucleus Nano 2